How old is 40 (record producer)? When is 40 (record producer)'s birthday? Where is 40 (record producer) born? Where did 40 (record producer) grow up from? What's 40 (record producer)'s age?
40 (record producer) Born: March 31, 1983 (age 40years), Toronto
How about 40 (record producer)'s parents?
40 (record producer) Parents: Tedde Moore, Donald Shebib
How about 40 (record producer)'s full name?
40 (record producer) Full name: Noah James Shebib
How about 40 (record producer)'s nominations?
40 (record producer) Nominations: Grammy Award for Album of the Year, MORE
How about 40 (record producer)'s songwriting partner?
40 (record producer) Songwriting partner: Drake, Kanye West, Lil Wayne, Jay-Z, MORE
Is 40 Drake's producer?
Noah James Shebib (born March 31, 1983), better known as 40, is a Canadian hip hop record producer. He is the main producer for all of Canadian rapper Drake's singles.
How old is 40 Drake's producer?
Noah James Shebib (born March 31, 1983), better known as 40, is a Canadian hip hop record producer. He is the main producer for all of Canadian rapper Drake's singles.
Who makes Drake's beats?
Noah James Shebib (born March 31, 1983), better known as 40, is a Canadian hip hop record producer. He is the main producer for all of Canadian rapper Drake's singles.