Football star Cristiano Ronaldo showcases his incredible physique as he models his latest underwear collection. The Portugal and Juventus FC player flaunts his six-pack and lounges in bed as he shows off the High-Summer 2019 CR7 Underwear collection. It features bright blue, pink and white boxers. Ronaldo said in a statement: “Summer is my favourite season and I love the time of day when the sun goes down and the sky is vivid. I wanted to capture that feeling in my HS19 campaign, using intense color that’s bold, rich and compliments my new collection. I wanted the campaign to have a really relaxed feel. I always want my underwear to have a unique twist, which is where the playful use of colour comes in. Essentially, I want to create underwear that looks so good that I want to wear it on the beach, rather than covering it up with my swimwear!”