How about José Iglesias (baseball)'s home_run?
José Iglesias (baseball) Home_run: 47
How old is José Iglesias (baseball)? When is José Iglesias (baseball)'s birthday? Where is José Iglesias (baseball) born? Where did José Iglesias (baseball) grow up from? What's José Iglesias (baseball)'s age?
José Iglesias (baseball) Born: 1990 (age 34years), Havana, Cuba
Is José Iglesias (baseball) married? When did José Iglesias (baseball) get married? Who's José Iglesias (baseball)'s married to? (Who's José Iglesias (baseball)'s husband / wife)?
José Iglesias (baseball) Spouse: Arlene Iglesias
How about José Iglesias (baseball)'s parents?
José Iglesias (baseball) Parents: Candelario Iglesias
How about José Iglesias (baseball)'s number?
José Iglesias (baseball) Number: 12 (Boston Red Sox / Shortstop), MORE
How about José Iglesias (baseball)'s salary?
José Iglesias (baseball) Salary: 2.1million USD (2016)
How about José Iglesias (baseball)'s picked date?
José Iglesias (baseball) Picked date: 2021 (Boston Red Sox), MORE
How many gold gloves does Jose Iglesias have?
Andrelton A. Simmons (born September 4, 1989) is a Curaaoan professional baseball shortstop who plays for the Mumbai Cobras of Baseball United. He previously played in Major League Baseball (MLB) for the Atlanta Braves, Los Angeles Angels, Minnesota Twins, and Chicago Cubs.
Does Jose Iglesias still play baseball?
Andrelton A. Simmons (born September 4, 1989) is a Curaaoan professional baseball shortstop who plays for the Mumbai Cobras of Baseball United. He previously played in Major League Baseball (MLB) for the Atlanta Braves, Los Angeles Angels, Minnesota Twins, and Chicago Cubs.
Is Jose Iglesias related to Enrique Iglesias?
Andrelton A. Simmons (born September 4, 1989) is a Curaaoan professional baseball shortstop who plays for the Mumbai Cobras of Baseball United. He previously played in Major League Baseball (MLB) for the Atlanta Braves, Los Angeles Angels, Minnesota Twins, and Chicago Cubs.
What teams did Andrelton Simmons play for?
Andrelton A. Simmons (born September 4, 1989) is a Curaaoan professional baseball shortstop who plays for the Mumbai Cobras of Baseball United. He previously played in Major League Baseball (MLB) for the Atlanta Braves, Los Angeles Angels, Minnesota Twins, and Chicago Cubs.