How old is Richard C. Kessler? When is Richard C. Kessler's birthday? Where is Richard C. Kessler born? Where did Richard C. Kessler grow up from? What's Richard C. Kessler's age?
Richard C. Kessler Born: 1946 (age 77years), Savannah, GA
How about Richard C. Kessler's education?
Richard C. Kessler Education: Georgia Institute of Technology
The Armstrong Kessler Mansion (formerly known as Armstrong House) is a nationally significant example of Italian Renaissance Revival architectural style located in the Savannah Historic District.
The Armstrong Kessler Mansion (formerly known as Armstrong House) is a nationally significant example of Italian Renaissance Revival architectural style located in the Savannah Historic District.
The Armstrong Kessler Mansion (formerly known as Armstrong House) is a nationally significant example of Italian Renaissance Revival architectural style located in the Savannah Historic District.
The Armstrong Kessler Mansion (formerly known as Armstrong House) is a nationally significant example of Italian Renaissance Revival architectural style located in the Savannah Historic District.