How old is Rick Sutcliffe? When is Rick Sutcliffe's birthday? Where is Rick Sutcliffe born? Where did Rick Sutcliffe grow up from? What's Rick Sutcliffe's age?
Rick Sutcliffe Born: 1956 (age 67years), Independence, MO
Is Rick Sutcliffe married? When did Rick Sutcliffe get married? Who's Rick Sutcliffe's married to? (Who's Rick Sutcliffe's husband / wife)?
Rick Sutcliffe Spouse: Robin Ross (m. 1978)
How about Rick Sutcliffe's parents?
Rick Sutcliffe Parents: Dick Sutcliffe, Louise Bloss
How about Rick Sutcliffe's education?
Rick Sutcliffe Education: Van Horn High School
How tall is Rick Sutcliffe in meters or centimeters?
Rick Sutcliffe Height: 6 7
How about Rick Sutcliffe's number?
Rick Sutcliffe Number: 40 (Chicago Cubs / Pitcher)
How about Rick Sutcliffe's picked date?
Rick Sutcliffe Picked date: 1984 (Chicago Cubs)
Who is Sutcliffe announcer?
Sutcliffe has served as an analyst for ESPN since 1998, when he served as a guest analyst for ESPN Radio's coverage of that seasons MLB playoffs. He joined the network full-time in March 1999 and has appeared on Wednesday Night Baseball since 2002.