How old is Steve Atwater? When is Steve Atwater's birthday? Where is Steve Atwater born? Where did Steve Atwater grow up from? What's Steve Atwater's age?
Steve Atwater Born: 1966 (age 56years), Chicago, IL
Is Steve Atwater married? When did Steve Atwater get married? Who's Steve Atwater's married to? (Who's Steve Atwater's husband / wife)?
Steve Atwater Spouse: Letha Atwater (m. 1990)
Does Steve Atwater have any children? What are the names of Steve Atwater's children? What are the ages of Steve Atwater's children?
Steve Atwater Children: Di Andre Atwater
How tall is Steve Atwater in meters or centimeters?
Steve Atwater Height: 6 3
How about Steve Atwater's number?
Steve Atwater Number: 27 (Denver Broncos / Strong safety, Free safety), 27 (New York Jets / Free safety)
How about Steve Atwater's weight?
Steve Atwater Weight: 218lbs
How about Steve Atwater's position?
Steve Atwater Position: Defensive back, Free safety, Strong safety
Who did Steve Atwater play for?
Drafted: Selected by the Denver Broncos in the first round (20th pick overall) of the 1989 NFL Draft. Acquired: Signed with the New York Jets as a free agent on March 2, 1999, after being released by the Denver Broncos.
Where does Steve Atwater live now?
Drafted: Selected by the Denver Broncos in the first round (20th pick overall) of the 1989 NFL Draft. Acquired: Signed with the New York Jets as a free agent on March 2, 1999, after being released by the Denver Broncos.
How tall was Steve Atwater?
Drafted: Selected by the Denver Broncos in the first round (20th pick overall) of the 1989 NFL Draft. Acquired: Signed with the New York Jets as a free agent on March 2, 1999, after being released by the Denver Broncos.
When did Steve Atwater go to the Jets?
Drafted: Selected by the Denver Broncos in the first round (20th pick overall) of the 1989 NFL Draft. Acquired: Signed with the New York Jets as a free agent on March 2, 1999, after being released by the Denver Broncos.