How about Zach McKinstry's home_run?
Zach McKinstry Home_run: 19
How old is Zach McKinstry? When is Zach McKinstry's birthday? Where is Zach McKinstry born? Where did Zach McKinstry grow up from? What's Zach McKinstry's age?
Zach McKinstry Born: April 29, 1995 (age 28years), Toledo, Ohio, United States
How about Zach McKinstry's bat_averag?
Zach McKinstry Bat_averag: .223
How about Zach McKinstry's education?
Zach McKinstry Education: North Side High School
How about Zach McKinstry's team?
Zach McKinstry Team: Detroit Tigers (#39 / Second baseman)
How about Zach McKinstry's picked date?
Zach McKinstry Picked date: 2023 (Detroit Tigers, Detroit Tigers), MORE
How old is Zach McKinstry?
Drafted in the 33rd round (1,001st overall) by the Los Angeles Dodgers in 2016 (signed for $100,000).
What nationality is Baddoo?
Drafted in the 33rd round (1,001st overall) by the Los Angeles Dodgers in 2016 (signed for $100,000).
What pick was Zach McKinstry?
Drafted in the 33rd round (1,001st overall) by the Los Angeles Dodgers in 2016 (signed for $100,000).